Welcome to Comic Culture
Comic Culture is a blog/forum all about comics. You can join using your google or facebook account or register using you email. Once logged in, you can read post and…
The One Above All
This is one of my favorite characters, partially beacuse he is all powerful but also because his only weapon is love.
Comic Book Creators: Steve Ditko
Since Steve Ditko passed away recently, I decided the next Comic Book Creators post should be about him. He is known for being the creator or co-creator of Spider-Man and…
Ant Man and The Wasp
Has anyone seen the movie yet? Wait for the end credit!
Comic Book Creators : Jim Lee
We're going to do a new thing on comic culture called Comic Book Creators. I will name someone who has worked on comics, name some of their notable works, and…
Toy Lines
I found this pic online but it made me think about different toy lines. I really loved the original G1 Transformers and absolutely hated the 2000's lines. What is your…
Indie comics
There are hundreds of Independent comic publishers and thousands of indie comics. What is your favorite indie comic?
Nike in Marvel
I was reading X-Force #29 and noticed something. A Nike logo on Shatterstar’s sneakers #xforce #shatterstar #nike #marvel #fabiannicieza #mattbroome #budlarosa A post shared by Mr. Green (@james_green_the_king) on Jul…
The Biggest Battle in Marvel History!
There is a war for Fox between Disney and Comcast. Fox has made X-Men and Deadpool movies and Disney / Marvel Studios has made all of the movies in the…
We found this imgur.com This is definately one of the coolest Cosplay costumes we've seen. The detail and accuracy of this costume are really good. Iron Man and Cap…